A long-term expat residing in Rawai, Phuket, is struggling to entry his home after the local municipality’s paving venture left his driveway with a vertical drop of practically 1 metre. Australian-born British national, Brett Masters, has lived within the space for 18 years and in his present house for the past eight.
Before Crazy paving project started in late December, the fifty eight yr previous expat’s driveway was almost perfectly level with the road. However, the installation of latest roadside drains has resulted in a significant vertical drop on the edge of his property line. Upon coming back from a holiday, Masters and his girlfriend discovered it practically inconceivable to enter their house.
Following discussions with the contractor, concrete slabs were positioned as a brief ramp to entry the property. However, the arrangement remains precarious and unsafe. Masters contacted Rawai Municipality to address the difficulty however was met with resistance and denial of duty.
Despite his background as a basic contractor in development, Masters’ suggestions for a simple and cost-effective solution were dismissed. Instead, the civil works officer advised Masters to alter the gradient of his driveway at his own expense.
The state of affairs has escalated, with the support pillar for Masters’ fence starting to crack, and the boundary fence wall susceptible to collapsing. The estimated price to rebuild the wall and driveway, and set up a new gate, is round 250,000 baht (approximately US$7,500)..